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> Contact us

Contact us

Where to buy flowers in Minsk?

Mailing address: Zaslavskaya str. 23/1, Minsk, 220013

English operator: +375298120000

Telephone: +375 (29) 122 33 00 (WhatsApp/Viber/Telegram)


Operating mode: Opening hours: 8:00 - 22:00 daily, no lunch break

Write down, keep, remember our address and phone number, and you don’t have to think where to buy and send flowers in Minsk, when you need it. We have the widest range of flowers in Minsk (Belarus) for any occasion. Give your sweethearts and relatives a reason to smile – pamper them with flowers! You can place your order and pick it up at the office. We also provide delivery service across Belarus.

Contact us

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Minsk, Zaslavskaya St., 23/1
Русский English
Vertical gardening