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Christmas wreath "Christmas Lights"

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Christmas wreath "Christmas Lights"

150 USD
150 USD


  • Nobilis - 1 раск
  • Koreus - 3 branches
  • Christmas decorations
  • Garland (battery operated) - 1 pc
  • Basis - 40 cm
  • Satin ribbon


Diameter - 55 cm

Transform your home with our gorgeous Christmas wreath!

Let your holiday begin with a bright accent that will fill your home with comfort and joy. Our wreath of fresh pine needles is not just a decorative element, it is a reflection of the magic of winter holidays, made with love and attention to every detail.

On this wonderful wreath playfully arranged abundant red-orange Christmas tree balls, sparkling like sunbeams on a frosty morning. They give the composition a feeling of warmth and cheerfulness, reminding of sweet tangerines and warm memories. Each balloon, like good wishes, dances merrily on the branches of pine needles, causing a smile and joy.

Satin ribbon, gracefully wrapped around the wreath, creates an atmosphere of festivity and magic. Its delicate shine adds a touch of elegance and gives the composition lightness, as if it is ready to rise into the air at any moment and take you to the world of New Year's miracles.

This wreath will become a real highlight of your interior, decorating your front door, fireplace or wall. Its unique design will attract the eyes of guests and give every passerby a piece of New Year magic.

Don't miss the chance to create a festive atmosphere in your home with our unique New Year's wreath! Order right now and let the magic of winter evenings fill your heart and home!

The holiday begins with details - show your individuality with our wreath!


If you have any difficulties when ordering, or you need advice from an experienced florist - please contact us


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Vertical gardening