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> New Year's composition "Fairytale Night"

New Year's composition "Fairytale Night"

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New Year's composition "Fairytale Night"

120 USD
120 USD


  • Nobilis - 5 branches
  • Koreus - 2 branches
  • Christmas decorations
  • Cones - 7 pc
  • Candle - 1 pc
  • Garland (battery operated) - 1 pc.
  • Oasis
  • Stand


Length - 60 cm,
Width - 35 cm

Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of winter magic with our exclusive tabletop New Year's Eve composition made of Nobelis pine needles! This exquisite decoration will become a real gem of your holiday table, bringing warmth and coziness to your home.

Every detail of the composition is thought out to the smallest detail: fresh sprigs of Nobelis, possessing a delicate aroma of the forest, create the basis for this masterpiece. Bright New Year's balls of different colors sparkle in the light like stars in the night sky, and the decoration in the form of cones and branches of koreus adds naturalness and elegance.

A candle burns majestically in the center of the composition, emitting soft light and filling the atmosphere with warmth. This cozy light will become a symbol of unity and closeness in the circle of family and friends during the New Year holidays.

Our table New Year composition is not just a decoration, it is a creation of magic in your home. Give yourself and your loved ones a piece of the holiday, which will warm hearts and fill with memories for years to come. Do not miss the opportunity to make your New Year truly unforgettable - order our composition right now and let it become a part of your winter magic!


If you have any difficulties when ordering, or you need advice from an experienced florist - please contact us


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