Bouquet of english roses "LOVE"
Bouquet of english roses "LOVE"
- Spray rose (3)
- Eucalyptus (3)
- Box (1)
- Oasis (1)
- Salence (1)
- Satin ribbon for flowers (1)
Red is a symbol of passion, seduction, mystery; it is a luxury and a challenge at the same time. Once on the catwalk, Yves Saint Laurent combined several shades of red, breaking all known canons and creating his own. Our florists, echoing the fashionista, created a composition of roses of different shades of red - they created their own style. An expansive, effective composition that should be presented to a person with good taste.
Diameter - 18 cm,
Height - 30 cm
If you have any difficulties when ordering, or you need advice from an experienced florist - please contact us